If you wish to do business with the Kenyan government, applying for government tenders has been automated. You do not need to visit government offices. You only need to register on the IFMIS portal and apply for tenders. This article will provide you with details about how you can apply for government tenders in Kenya.
How to Get Government Tenders in Kenya
The first thing you need to do to win government tenders is register in the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) portal. IFMIS portal is a platform where government tendering, requisition and payment process regarding tenders are carried out. The portal was established in 2014 to ensure openness and transparency in the government’s tendering process.
How to Register on the IFMIS Portal
To register on the IFMIS portal, make sure that you have the following details.
- Full names of the applicant
- Company’s phone number
- Identity Card or passport
- Business registration certificate or certificate of incorporation
- Tax compliance certificate
- CR12 for Limited Liability companies
- A partnership deed for partnership businesses
With these details, the registration process is simple and straightforward. The IFMIS has the Kenya Suppliers Portal feature for all communication between government procurement agencies and suppliers.
Tips to Win Kenyan Government Tenders
There are certain conditions you need to meet to win government tenders in Kenya. It is because there is high competition and hence the procurement agencies use these criteria to eliminate excess suppliers. First, you need to read the procurement details carefully. Then fill in the bid document correctly and be honest. Also, ensure that you are within the price range. If you win the bid, uphold your business reputation. If you do not win the tender, follow up and understand why you didn’t win.
Platforms that You Need to Know About When Applying for Tenders
The following are sites that are used for tenders in Kenya.
- Public Procurement Portal in Kenya. Its primary role is to monitor, regulate, assess and review the public procurement. It is also concerned with the asset disposal to ensure that the constitution’s provisions are adhered to.
- Public Procurement Regulatory Authority. It monitors how the laws, rules, policies and procedures of public procurement are followed. It also supports the training of the people involved in public procurement.
- Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) program. This platform facilitates special groups like the youth, women, and people with disabilities to access and participate in government procurement.
- IFMIS. It is an automated financial system that interlinks budgeting, procurement and accounting processes of the government. It eliminates possible channels through which public funds can be lost.
Tender Listing Sites
- Tenders Info
- Tenders Unlimited
- Tenders Kenya
- Diggers
- Tender Hub
- Humanitarian Web
- Tender Soko
- Public Procurement Information Portal
- Tender Yetu
Tendering Process in Kenya
Formation of a procurement Team
A team to follow up on the procurement process is formed. The size of the team depends on the value of the contract. The team can consist of the directors, human resources and representatives from the health and safety department.
Establishment of Tender Evaluation Criteria
The procurement team agrees on what to consider for the tenders. It involves specifications of the requirements, tender rules and qualification criteria and the tender procurement process. There is also the preparation of questions and supplier requirements.
Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
This is the listing of companies that are potential suppliers. The list can be open to any supplier or by invitation. They are then invited to tender. To qualify for this stage, the procurement team screens the available suppliers against the minimum requirements.
Issue Tender
The issue tender process involves inviting potential suppliers to tender. The procurement team can issue tender accompanied by questions and pricing matrix. Alternatively, suppliers can be requested to submit their proposals and prices.
Tender Briefing Meeting
The tender briefing meeting is a meeting between the procurement team and the suppliers. Its objective is to answer the questions asked by the suppliers. It also clarifies any issues arising from the tender.
Evaluation and Supplier Short Listing
The procurement team marks each supplier’s bid with the agreed evaluation matrix. The evaluation determines potential suppliers for shortlisting of the tender. The number of those shortlisted depends on the number of bidders required.
Presentation and Interviews
Further evaluation of the shortlisted suppliers is done sometimes. It can be done by meeting their customers or visiting the supplier’s premises. The procurement team will assess the answers against the evaluation criteria.
The procurement requirements will be used to determine those selected for the tender. The best performers will be awarded the contract. Sometimes negotiations may be necessary for contract awarding.
Contract Award
Once the supplier is selected, the supplier gets the contract. There is usually a ten day standstill period under which unsuccessful suppliers can challenge the process. Unsuccessful bidders should be given feedback regarding the tenders.
Government tenders in Kenya are awarded to suppliers and contractors for the supply of goods, services and works. The government spends a huge amount of money annually to buy goods and services for projects. With this guide, you will be able to apply for a government tender in Kenya.